Quantum Computing Report


The following is a list of government and non-profit agencies that perform research or provide funding for Quantum Computing. More information on their activities will be added as this web site is built out.   Please send any additions or corrections to info@quantumcomputingreport.com.

A*Star Institute of Materials Research and Engineering
A*Star (The Agency for Science, Technology, and Research) is a Singapore government agency and the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) is their institute responsible for researching quantum as well as other technologies. They  are pursuing a variety of quantum-related topics including quantum sensing, quantum computation, and quantum networking and leveraging existing capabilities across various A*STAR Research Institutes and Universities.  A key effort for them is the Quantum Technologies for Engineering Programme (QTE) which has a goal of demonstrating a scalable approach to realize of multiple logic qubit gates for quantum computation.

ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS)
EQUS is a Centre funded by Australian Research Council (ARC) of the Australian Government to build sophisticated quantum machines to harness the quantum world for practical applications. They have three main areas of research including Designer quantum materials, Quantum-enabled diagnostics and imaging, and Quantum engines and instruments.

Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne National Laboratory, located in Batavia, Illinois, leverages multi-disciplinary teams, world-class facilities, and powerful scientific tools to confront some of the most profound scientific and technological challenges in quantum information science. Their researchers pursue a range of projects in materials for quantum information, quantum computing, and quantum sensing. These areas of focus include the development of algorithms and software, new materials and sensors, hybrid quantum computing, and complex simulations of physical and chemical processes, among others. Argonne is the lead of the Q-NEXT project, one of five National Quantum Information Science Research Centers awarded by the Department of Energy with the single goal of developing the science and technology to control and distribute quantum information.

Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences (BAQIS)
BAQIS is a newly formed research institution sponsored by the Beijing municipal government with partnership of leading research institutions including the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University and Tsinghua University. BAQIS focuses on the fundamental and frontier issues of quantum physics and quantum information science and technology. Their research areas include Quantum State of Matter, Quantum Computation and Quantum Communication, Quantum Materials and Devices, and Quantum Metrology.  BAQIS has produced a video that about their institute which you can find here.

Berkeley Quantum
Berkeley Quantum harnesses the expertise and facilities of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California, Berkeley to accelerate the development of quantum information science for U.S. national competitiveness and to address today’s most difficult research challenges. By capitalizing on resources co-located in the San Francisco Bay Area and across the country, Berkeley Quantum will advance U.S. quantum capabilities by conducting basic research, fabricating and testing quantum-based devices and technologies, and educating the next generation of researchers. Berkeley Quantum has end-to-end expertise in quantum technologies, from theoretical foundations to applications. Their core capabilities include codesign for quantum computation, quantum sensors and detectors, and quantum communications and networking. A key project of these organizations is the Advanced Quantum Testbed (AQT), a dedicated quantum computing program and testbed based on superconducting circuits that was launched in 2018 with $30 million in funding over a five year period from the U.S. Department of Energy.

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Brookhaven Lab, based in Upton, Long Island, New York has recently established a group to research quantum information science (QIS) as part of its Computational Science Initiative. Brookhaven has extraordinary data management, analysis, and distribution requirements and will be evaluating and designing QIS systems and developing the system-level support and algorithms needed to fully exploit the new QIS architectures to continue providing leading services.

Leti, based in Grenoble, France is a technology research institute at CEA Tech and pioneers micro and nanotechnologies by tailoring differentiating applicative solutions to ensure competitiveness in a wide range of markets.  In conjunction with the with French research institute Inac, they have been researching spin qubits based upon high purity Silicon-28 isotopes using a 300mm CMOS fabrication facility on their campus.  Details of their latest research can be found at the eeNews Europe web site which you can find here.

Centre for Quantum Computation & Communication Technology (CQC2T)
The is another Centre of Excellence under the Australian Research Council that has 17 coordinated programs involving facilities at six different universities in Australia.   Part of their team at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) made recent news by fabricating a two qubit logic gate in silicon and using it to create entangled qubits.   Because they used silicon process technology, similar to that used in the semiconductor industry, they believe that they will be able to scale up their technology without too much difficulty.   Besides their research in Silicon Quantum Computation they also do research in the areas of Quantum Communication, Optical Quantum Computation, and Quantum Resources & Integration.

Centre for Quantum Engineering, Research and Education (CQuERE)
CQuERE is a dedicated center in Kolkata, India to carry out cutting edge research in the emerging field of quantum engineering, and thereby train future researchers for academia as well as industry, keeping in mind the pressing need to foster strong national and international collaborations between the two domains.  Their vision is to establish CQuERE as a world class research center on quantum science and technology by creating a stimulating research environment involving experiment and theory, and bringing together researchers in this field from India and abroad. CQuERE is part of the TCG CREST research institute.

Centre for Quantum Technologies
Located in Singapore, The Centre for Quantum Technologies brings together quantum physicists and computer scientists to explore the quantum nature of reality and quantum possibilities in technology. The Centre boasts a world-class research program with strong theory and experiment groups.  Their mission is to conduct interdisciplinary theoretical and experimental research in quantum theory and its application to information technologies.

CERN – Quantum Technology Initiative
CERN is a European research organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. It was created in 1954 and is based in a northwest suburb of Geneva on the Franco–Swiss border and has 23 member states. They have started a Quantum Technology Initiative that will explore the potential of quantum devices to enrich and expand its research programs. They have published a Quantum Technology Initiative Strategy and Roadmap that provides a medium- and long-term roadmap for research and collaboration with the high-energy physics and quantum-technology research communities.

Chinese Academy of Sciences – Key Laboratory of Quantum Information
The Chinese Academy of Sciences is China’s largest research organization consisting of over 100 different research institutes.   The Key Laboratory of Quantum Information works on a number of different quantum information projects.  Recently they announced the formation of a public quantum computing cloud platform that will be used to help develop quantum programming. (Note: The web sites are published in Chinese but you can use Google Translate to translate them to English.)

Curiee is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) language-agnostic destination for software engineers and hackers to learn, play, and discuss quantum computing code. We are closely tied to the open-source & scientific community to create a space where hackers can learn quantum computing and understand quantum mechanics through fun interactive coding tutorials, curated articles, and quantum games.  They are located in Los Angeles, California.

DNA-SEQ Alliance
The DNA-SEQ Alliance is an inter-disciplinary, cross-organizational effort that is designed to revolutionize cancer treatment and drug discovery, focusing on protein kinase inhibition.  They have a partnership with D-Wave and 1QBit to leverage quantum computation to perform rapid and inexpensive genomic sequencing, creating bioinformatics profiles that enable detailed crystallographic analysis.   Using quantum computation technology will allow them to perform 3D precision crystallography using a patient’s full genomic data rather that just a small subset that can be done with existing technology.

Entanglement Research Institute
Entanglement Research Institute (eRI) is a quantum computing research facility based in Newport, Rhode Island. eRI aims to develop an open source quantum computing community and an agnostic quantum computing framework to provide access to the world’s most advanced quantum and alternative computers to scientists, researchers, programmers, and businesses.

Fermilab Quantum Institute
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory has recently launched the Fermilab Quantum Institute to bring all of the lab’s quantum projects under one organization. Some of the areas the institute is researching include:

  • Using technology developed for superconducting particle accelerators to vastly improve qubit systems, including those used for future quantum computers.
  • Developing ways to convey information across large distances with entangled particles.
  • Improving quantum sensors for many applications and deploying them to potentially detect dark matter and give us new insights into the universe.
  • Writing algorithms that can simulate subatomic interactions on quantum computers, with many other uses outside of physics.
  • Developing methods to use quantum computing to improve data analysis and theoretical calculations.

Fermilab is already partnering with many other government labs and universities in its research and is a member of the Chicago Quantum Exchange.

Fraunhofer UK – Centre for Applied Photonics
Fraunhofer UK is a legally independent affiliate of Fraunhofer Gesellschaft and the proven Fraunhofer model is being used to benefit the UK economy. The Centre for Applied Photonics has played a key technology translation role in many collaborative quantum technology projects funded within the UK quantum initiative and beyond. Industrial partners range from laser manufacturers to large aerospace and defense organizations. Projects range from laser development to the realization of complete systems incorporating cold atoms. They are participating in several projects funded by the UK Quantum Technologies Challenge led by UK Research and Innovation.

Gemini Center on Quantum Computing
This center is an interdisciplinary group of Norwegian researchers from the University of Oslo, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and SINTEF. is one of Europe’s largest independent research organization and is a non-profit organization. The center’s purpose is to promote quantum technology in Norway, establish contact with internationally leading expert groups, as well as to work together with industrial partners. Their main focus is on quantum algorithms for the NISQ era and beyond as well as highlighting potential use cases.

IARPA (Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity)
The U.S. government agency IARPA has a program called Quantum Enhanced Optimization (QEO) has issued a BAA (Broad Agency Announcement) to provide funding research into enhanced methods for quantum annealing to solve hard combinatorial optimization problems.   The program is expected to last five years and be split into two phases with a goal of achieving a 104 speed-up with polynomial improvement in scaling complexity over classical methods.

The Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO)
ICFO, located in metropolitan Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, was created by the Government of Catalonia and the Technical University of Catalonia to be a research center focused on the science of light and advanced light-based technologies.  They have several groups that study quantum information theory, quantum materials, and quantum photonics and other related fields.  Application areas of research include quantum communications, quantum computers, quantum sensors, quantum encryption, quantum simulators and high performance / cloud computing experimentation.  They have several programs which receive support from the European Union’s Quantum Flagship program as well as other research partnerships.

KIST Center for Quantum Information
The Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) is a multi-disciplinary public research institute located in Seoul, South Korea. KIST’s Center for Quantum Information studies fundamentals of and develops key technologies in quantum science and engineering. Their mission is to lead scientific and technological innovations by examining a wide range of research in quantum science and its applications, including quantum cryptography, quantum computing, and quantum devices.

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos is a U.S. national laboratory with a stated mission is to solve national security challenges through scientific excellence.  Los Alamos formally organized a Quantum Institute in 2002 to perform research into Quantum Computing and Quantum Cryptography.   Los Alamos has been exploring quantum computers constructed using solid-state devices and they have been collaborating with researchers from the University of New South Wales, California Institute of Technology, and the University of Maryland.    Most recently Los Alamos announced it is purchasing a D-Wave 2X computer allowing them to critically evaluate quantum annealing technology and becoming D-Wave’s third announced customer.

Matter and Light for Quantum Computing (ML4Q)
ML4Q is a new Cluster of Excellence funded within the Excellence Strategy by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It is a cooperation by the universities of CologneAachen, and Bonn, as well as the Research Center Jülich. The aim of ML4Q is to develop new computing and networking architectures using the principles of quantum mechanics.

Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST)
The Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST) is comprised of seven research units within disciplines including physics, mathematics, computer science, electrical engineering, material science, and chemistry, covering all areas of Quantum Science and Technology (QST) from basic research to applications. Its main goal is to build a world-leading center with a multidisciplinary profile, addressing important scientific and technological questions. It links groundbreaking research with industrial partners, creating a unique environment for QST via carefully designed structural measures that will transform the existing scientific and technological environment. MCQST is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy. It comprises two of Germany’s most successful universities, the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM), as well as the international renowned partner institutions Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Walther-Meissner-Institute and Deutsches Museum.

NASA Ames – Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (QuAIL)
The QuAIL research team at NASA Ames explores applications of quantum information processing to NASA missions, particularly quantum algorithms for hard computational problems that arise in optimization problems related to mission tasks in aeronautics, Earth and space sciences, and space operations and exploration.   In collaboration with Google and USRA they operate the D-Wave 2X computer that has been installed at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California.

National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST)
NIST has a research focus on understanding the potential for quantum-based technology to transform security, computing and communications, and to develop the measurement and standards infrastructure necessary to exploit this potential. Breakthroughs at NIST enabled the first forays into real-world quantum computing and tested the limits of quantum information and security. NIST is also developing the technology to harness the power of quantum computing in the everyday world through nanotechnology.  NIST has also established partnerships with the University of Colorado Boulder to operate JILA and the University of Maryland to operate the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) and with the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS) to undertake fundamental quantum research.

National Science Foundation (NSF)
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by the U.S. Congress in 1950 “to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense.   NSF has a Quantum Information Science (QIS) group that supports theoretical and experimental proposals that explore quantum applications to new computing paradigms or that foster interactions between physicists, mathematicians, and computer scientists that push the frontiers of quantum-based information, transmission, and manipulation.

National Security Agency (NSA)
The National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) leads the U.S. Government in cryptology that encompasses both Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Information Assurance (IA) products and services.   They have an obvious interest in utilizing quantum computation to break codes and according to leaked documents from Edward Snowden they have allocated nearly $80 million for quantum computer development, with most of the work taking place at the Laboratory for Physical Sciences at University of Maryland’s College Park campus.   Most recently NSA Information Assurance Directorate (IAD) has started planning and research into quantum resistant algorithms and you can read about some of their preliminary plans to transition to quantum resistant algorithms here.

NCCR ‘QSIT – Quantum Science and Technology’
The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCRs) are a research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation. The goals of the NCCR ‘QSIT – Quantum Science and Technology’ range from present and future engineering applications, such as quantum cryptography and quantum computation, to the investigation of new paradigms for fundamental physics such as topological states of matter.  ETH Zürich and the University of Basel are the leading houses that participate with this centre.

Networked Quantum Information Technologies (NQIT)
NQIT is the largest of four hubs in the UK National Quantum Technology Program.   The UK government is investing 270 million pounds to establish a quantum technology industry which includes funds to develop the Q20/20 quantum computer demonstrator, a hybrid light-matter quantum computer involving twenty nodes, optically interlinked, where each node is a small quantum processor of twenty qubits.

NY CREATES is a research and economic development non-profit in New York state that performs advanced research in a number of technical areas. They have state-of-the-art facilities in Albany, NY, and Rochester, NY for 300 mm wafer fab and Test, Assembly, and Packaging respectively. Their quantum research work focusses on superconducting technologies (both for qubits and for single flux quantum (SFQ) logic circuits), and UV-transparent waveguides and electro-optic devices  (for photonic interfaces to trapped ions, say). They are a part of the Brookhaven-led C2QA, and have had research programs funded by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) on a couple of different directions (superconducting optoelectronics for neuromorphic computing, photonic integrated circuits, fluxoniums).

Oak Ridge National Laboratory – Quantum Computing Institute
The Quantum Computing Institute (QCI) is a lab-wide collaboration at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) that promotes the use of theory, computation, and experiment in the research and development of quantum information technologies. They leverage ORNL capabilities in material fabrication and characterization, high-performance computing, and electrical systems and sensors to develop the ideas and platforms needed for beyond CMOS technologies. QCI fosters collaborations between ORNL staff scientist and with external research partners to accelerate development and more quickly realize the benefits from quantum computing.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory – Quantum Information Science Group
The Quantum Information Science (QIS) group at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory applies the principles and techniques of quantum physics to real-world problems in communication, computing, and sensing. The sometimes surprising behavior of light and matter at the quantum level enables results that are simply not possible in the classical world. The group carries out basic and applied research to identify and exploit these effects in order to realize the promises of QIS.

Open Quantum Design
Open Quantum Design (OQD) is a non-profit organization committed to fostering a large collaborative effort between academia, industry, and government. The initial partners in this endeavor include Xanadu, University of Waterloo, Unitary Foundation, and Haiqu. OQD’s intellectual property forms the world’s first open full stack quantum computer and uses revolutionary trapped ion technology. It was developed by Crystal Senko, Rajibul Islam and Roger Melko at the Institute for Quantum Computing and Perimeter Institute’s Quantum Intelligence Lab.

Paul Scherrer Institut
The Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) is a Swiss multi-disciplinary research institute for natural and engineering sciences located in the Canton of Aargau in the municipalities Villigen and Würenlingen. It will be establishing a Quantum Computing Hub jointly with ETH Zurich that will be located on the PSI campus in Villigen.

Paris Centre for Quantum Computing (PCQC)
The Paris Centre for Quantum Computing is a multi-disciplinary team of researchers from around 20 core member organizations including CNRS, Télécom ParisTech, participating Universities, INRIA and others with the objective of performing higher impact research and becoming a focal point for research in quantum computing in Europe and internationally. PCQC aspires to break the ground for the development of novel quantum information and communication technologies by uniquely combining concepts from quantum computation, communication and cryptography. The long-term objectives of the centre are: high impact, interdisciplinary research; international visibility for the quantum research in Paris and in France; the dissemination of quantum research via workshops/visits and students exchange; and the collaboration with industry for the commercialization of end-to-end quantum solutions.

Perimeter Institute
The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics is a non-profit center for scientific research, training and educational outreach in foundational theoretical physics based in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.   Quantum Information is one of the nine major research areas at the Institute.   Perimeter does a great deal of theoretical work to help aid the construction of a quantum computer.   Some of their work is performed in association with the Institute for Quantum Computing which is located nearby at the University of Waterloo.

Pittsburgh Quantum Institute (PQI)
The Pittsburgh Quantum Institute (PQI) was founded in 2012 with the mission “to help unify and promote quantum science and engineering in Pittsburgh”. With financial support from the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, PQI provides leadership throughout Pittsburgh in areas that impact the “second quantum revolution”. PQI faculty members (currently more than 70) have appointments from Pitt, CMU and Duquesne University, in physics, chemistry, engineering, computer science, and philosophy of science. PQI sponsors and organizes research seminars, panel discussions, public lectures, outreach activities, and events that brings in a dozen plenary speakers and public lectures.

QTFT (Quantum Technology Foundation Thailand)
QTFT is a group of Thai scholars and entrepreneurs who believe in Thai and Southeast Asian talents. They are building a quantum community that bridges the academic-industry gap and provides world-class consulting services on optimization and quantum technology.  Their vision is to create a vibrant quantum community in Thailand and Southeast Asia where scientists and entrepreneurs “think quantum”  to solve industrial problems, increase research funding in Thailand and Southeast Asia, position Thailand as a magnet for scientists to work coherently with international corporations and improve STEM-based education in Thailand and Southeast Asia. They are based in Bangkok, Thailand.

Quantum Algorithms Institute
Established in 2020, Quantum Algorithms Institute (QAI) aims to help secure British Columbia’s position as a global leader in the application of quantum computing technology to real-world problems. QAI will leverage BC’s existing quantum computing cluster within academia and industry while building a talent pipeline with capabilities in developing quantum computing software and algorithms and the application of quantum technology to real-world problems.
By fostering collaborations between academia and industry while training the next generation of quantum talent, QAI will build a long-term advantage in this new, high-potential industry.

Quantum BC
Quantum BC is a joint initiative led by British Columbia’s top three research universities, the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, and the University of Victoria.  They aim to stimulate and enrich collaborative efforts across research, training and innovation in quantum computing. Quantum BC offers a unique training experience for graduate students in quantum computing hardware and software, to contribute to an exciting and fast-growing industry via internships with their local, national, and international industry partners.

Quantum Delta NL
Quantum Delta NL is an organization located in the Netherlands that works to accelerate quantum technology developments in that country and establishes a collaborative ecosystem that fosters international collaborations with the world’s top scientific institutions, businesses, students, and professionals. Their ecosystem is built around three catalyst programs – quantum computing and simulation, national quantum network, and quantum sensing applications – and tied together with four action lines – research and innovation, quantum ecosystem, human capital, and societal impact.

Quantum Silicon Grenoble
Quantum Silicon Grenoble is a consortium consisting of scientist and engineers from CEA-INAC, CNRS-NEEL, and CEA-LETI. One of their primary goals is to develop a scalable quantum processor based on state-of-the-art silicon technology.  They are pursuing three areas of research including CMOS-based silicon spin qubits, germanium based quantum electronics, and cryogenic CMOS electronics. They are located in Grenoble, France.

Quantum Technology Center of Iran (ICQTS)
The Quantum Technology Center of Iran (ICQTS), located in Tehran, promotes quantum science and technology in Iran in five areas including secure quantum communication, quantum sensors and measurements, quantum computing, quantum simulations, and quantum biology. They develop the necessary  infrastructure by establishing laboratory infrastructure and establishing the National Laboratory of Quantum Technologies, as well as supporting research projects by researchers and student dissertations in this field.

Quantum World Association
Quantum World Association in an independent non-for-profit organization, whose purpose is to support its close community of members, bringing together companies in the field of quantum technologies and services. and analyze industry developments.  Key goals of the association will be to connect people involved with the quantum industry, share business insights B2B, and to provide an industry knowledge center for expertise in quantum technologies.

Qubit by Qubit
Qubit by Qubit is a nonprofit organization focused on training the future diverse quantum workforce. It is the online learning initiative of The Coding School, an organization that aims to empower the next generation through computer science education.

QuSoft, located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is a new research center formed in December 2015 dedicated to quantum software.   It is a joint initiative between CWI, UvA, and VU.  QuSoft will be focusing its research in the areas of few-qubit applications, quantum testing and debugging, quantum architectures, and quantum cryptography.

Located in Delft, the Netherlands, QuTech is a joint public-private partnership organization with partners TU Delft and TNO and others that develops quantum technologies based on superposition and entanglement aimed at scalable quantum networks and quantum computers.  QuTech’s research is guided by three roadmap paths including Fault Tolerant Quantum Computing, Quantum Internet, and Topological Quantum Computing.

Raman Research Institute
The Raman Research Institute is located in Bengaluru, India and performs quantum research within their Light and Matter Physics (LAMP) group.  The research of the LAMP group includes demonstration of quantum logic using ultra-cold atoms loaded in optical lattices and various nano-traps, investigation of transport and localization properties of light in various random media, ultrafast laser induced plasmas from solid targets, nonlinear optical properties of nanomaterials, laser cooling and trapping of atoms, molecular spectroscopy, cold collisions, investigations on spin statistics, ion trapping, atoms in cavities, response of cooled atoms to external fields, quantum optics with neutral atoms and non-classical light sources, quantum walk of light, manufacture of single photon sources based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion and their applications to fundamental tests of quantum mechanics, quantum information and computing and quantum communication, etc. Currently, quantum logical gates are being designed by tailoring the internal degrees of freedom of quantum optical tools in external potentials.

RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing (RQC)
The RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing (RQC), located in Wako, Saitama, Japan, explores the frontier of quantum technologies through the research and development of quantum computers as innovative information processing units based on the principles of quantum mechanics. Their full-stack approach covers broad aspects of the research and development from hardware to software and from basic science to applications.

Russian Quantum Center
The Russian Quantum Center (RQC) is a non-governmental research organization that conducts fundamental and applied research in the field of modern quantum physics and technologies. The Center in its present form was launched in 2012 and is engaged in fundamental research on quantum computing, simulation, communication and sensing, as well as in the development and commercialization of new technologies and devices based on quantum effects.  RQC employs over 170 researchers within 12 laboratories at their facilities near Moscow.

Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas or CSIC)
CSIC is the largest public institution dedicated to research in Spain and coordinates over two dozen quantum research efforts within the country. They recently signed an agreement with IBM to to allow researchers at CSIC and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid to work with IBM’s superconducting quantum computers, collaborate in training a new generation of quantum software developers and translating quantum computing technologies to Spain’s industrial ecosystem.

Sandia National Laboratories
Sandia, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico and Livermore, California has built an exceptional Quantum Information Program spanning the entire breadth of Quantum Information Science (QIS) through focused research programs and by utilizing its unique technical capability areas: micro-electronics and quantum device fabrication, nanotechnology, tailored materials, and high-performance computing . Sandia is home to world- class researchers and cutting-edge facilities and is dedicated to supporting our engineering talent in all pursuits from design and test, to control systems and measurement. With both established and exploratory programs, Sandia has expertise and capabilities in a variety of disciplines.

Swiss Quantum Hub
The Swiss Quantum Hub is a non-profit organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. They are a unique mixture of a Think Tank, a Startup Accelerator and Business Service Provider for the Swiss Quantum Computing Community. The key elements of their mission include being the Swiss quantum ideas factory, assist quantum startups and spinoffs, and also to educate, train, and inform.

Technology Innovation Institute (TII) Quantum Research Centre (QRC)
The Quantum Research Centre (QRC), located in Abu Dhabi, UAE, is a new international center of excellence for research into quantum technologies. They are focusing on both theoretical and experimental research by building and operating the first quantum computer in the UAE region and drawing on the expertise of an international team of leading researchers.

Unitary Foundation
Unitary Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization that helps create an open quantum technology ecosystem that benefits the most people. It runs a micro-grant program, with $4k cash awards and no-strings attached, which has already made awards over 100 times to quantum explorers in over 14 countries. An advisory board of experts helps source and review applications. Anyone can apply, pitching personal projects ranging from quantum open-source libraries to quantum hardware prototypes. Unitary Foundation has also an in-house research arm, Unitary Labs, which is focusing on research to improve the performance of noisy quantum computers with error mitigation, a set of strategies that reduce the effect of errors with a mix of quantum sampling and classical inference, for example, as in “zero-noise extrapolation”.

Universities Space Research Association (USRA)
USRA is an independent, nonprofit research corporation where the combined efforts of in-house talent and university-based expertise merge to advance space science and technology.   They collaborate with Google and NASA Ames to operate the DWave 2X computer installed at the NASA Ames Research Center.  As part of the collaboration an allocation of 20% of the computing time will be provided to the research community at no cost through a competitive selection process.  Through this competitive process, research organizations will be able to utilize a state-of-the-art quantum computer, and also collaborate with researchers at NASA, Google and other universities.

VTT is a Finnish, fully state-owned limited liability company that helps customers create new business and solve global challenges with science and technology. They help organizations that develop quantum technologies in scaling up, integrating, and interfacing devices towards profitable business cases. They have expertise in superconducting, photonic, and semiconducting technology platforms and want to be a leading foundry for producing quantum chips and providing services that make quantum computing possible in practice. Quantum services they provide include fabrication, process development, device modelling and design, device and systems characterization, quantum metrology, quantum control solutions including 3D integration, and thermal engineering.

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