Quantum Computing Report

IonQ and Oak Ridge National Laboratory Partner to Enhance U.S. Power Grid with Quantum Computing

IonQ, a leader in the quantum computing industry, has announced a collaboration with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to leverage quantum technology for modernizing the U.S. power grid. This initiative, supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, aims to tackle optimization and security challenges in the power grid by integrating classical and quantum resources. The partnership seeks to enhance the resilience, reliability, and security of the U.S. power grid, providing a sustainable and efficient future. IonQ’s Chief Revenue Officer, Rima Alameddine, emphasized the importance of modernizing the power grid for national security and daily American life. Meanwhile, ORNL’s Suman Debnath, leading the project, stated that the collaboration would accelerate grid modernization and address critical energy infrastructure challenges. The project is part of DOE’s Grid Modernization Initiative and ORNL’s Quantum Computing User Program, which provides access to cutting-edge quantum computers. For further information, you can access the press release provided here.

April 16, 2024

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