Quantum Computing Report

PASQAL, University of Calgary, and Quantum City Forge Quantum Computing Partnership

PASQAL, in collaboration with the University of Calgary and Quantum City, has initiated a partnership aimed at advancing quantum computing research and education. This collaboration seeks to foster innovative research, develop a robust talent pipeline in Alberta, and contribute to the global quantum ecosystem. Key initiatives include educational programs, workshops, and providing industry experience for students and researchers. PASQAL commits to supporting research initiatives, faculty recruitment, and investing in Alberta’s quantum ecosystem, while the University of Calgary will provide space in its qHub, collaborate on research projects, and connect with local talent and funding opportunities. Raphaël de Thoury, CEO of PASQAL-Canada, emphasized the partnership’s significance in unlocking new quantum innovations. Rob Thompson, Associate VP at the University of Calgary, highlighted the university’s dedication to cultivating a vibrant quantum ecosystem. A press release provided by Pasqal can be accessed here.

February 20, 2024

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