Quantum Computing Report

Who’s News: Management Changes at Quantum Circuits, Strangeworks, Unitary Fund, and the U.S. National Quantum Coordination Office

Quantum Circuits, Inc. has named Ray Smets as President and CEO. He will be working to scale and commercialize the company as it introduces its superconducting, error detection and handling quantum technology later this year. Mr. Smets has over thirty years of management experience spanning operations, sales, marketing, and product execution in several high-growth cloud, data center and networking companies including Cisco, A10 Networks, Motorola, and AT&T. A press release announcing his joining the company can be seen here.

Strangeworks has appointed Daniel Ley as the SVP Revenue. In this role he will lead the company’s revenue growth and go-to-market efforts. Mr. Ley has many years of experience in high-technology sales and revenue generation with senior level experience at companies including Kronologic, D-Wave, Ciena, Packet Design, CA Technologies and others. You can see his LinkedIn post announcing his joining Strangeworks here.

The Unitary Fund, a non-profit that works to promote quantum technology by providing microgrants, performing research, and hosting open source quantum tech events has added Anastasia Gamick and Liz Durst to their board. Ms. Gamick is the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Convergent Research, a non-profit incubator for philanthropic ventures founded in 2021. Her experience in nonprofit governance and operations should prove to be very useful to the Unitary Fund as it scales its operations. Ms. Durst is the former Director of the IBM Quantum & Qiskit Community. She has worked with the Unitary Fund or many years and has great experience in building an open platform for quantum technology. An announcement from the Unitary Fund announcing the expansion of their board can be accessed here.

The U.S. National Quantum Coordination Office (NQCO) has undergone a transition with Dr. Charles Tahan stepping down from his position as Assistant Director for Quantum Information Science at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and Director of the NQCO. Stepping in to replace him is Dr. Gretchen Campbell. Dr. Tahen joined the NQCO in June 2020 and made great progress in establishing close relationships and achieving better coordination of the quantum activities at multiple government agencies. He also has left his position at the Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS) and is exiting government service entirely. Dr. Campbell has many years of experience working in the quantum field with positions at JILA/University of Colorado, the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI), and NIST. She joined the NQCO as Deputy Director in September 2022. A blog post announcing this transition has been posted on the Quantum.gov website here.

We wish everyone great success in their new roles during these exciting times for the quantum ecosystem.

March 9, 2024

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