Quantum Computing Report

Breaking Boundaries in Quantum Measurement: Zurich Instruments and QuantWare Forge New Frontier

Zurich Instruments and QuantWare have joined forces to offer an out-of-the-box solution for qubit readout, aimed at overcoming the challenges of high-fidelity qubit measurement. This collaboration integrates QuantWare’s Crescendo-S traveling-wave parametric amplifier (TWPA), designed for scalable readout, with Zurich Instruments’ controller and readout electronics. The combined solution enables users to achieve quantum-limited readout performance efficiently. QuantWare’s Crescendo-S boasts multi-qubit readout capability, low noise, and a scalable form factor, while Zurich Instruments’ SHFPPC Parametric Pump Controller optimally addresses its control signal requirements. Additionally, the collaboration aims to enhance compatibility between QuantWare’s QPUs and Zurich Instruments’ Quantum Computing Control Systems (QCCS). This initiative marks a step forward in simplifying the construction of large-scale quantum computers and advancing practical quantum computing. For more information, refer to the original press release provided here.

April 24, 2024

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