Quantum Computing Report

Japanese Researchers Demonstrate Multi-Qubit Superconducting Circuit Control via a Single Cable

Comparison between conventional and proposed qubit control

Researchers from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Yokohama National University, Tohoku University, and NEC Corporation have successfully demonstrated a superconducting circuit capable of controlling multiple qubits via a single cable. This innovation marks a significant step forward in the development of large-scale quantum computers.

Traditional quantum computers require individual control cables for each qubit, limiting the number of controllable qubits to about 1,000. The newly proposed superconducting circuit uses microwave multiplexing to control multiple qubits through a single cable at low temperatures. Proof-of-concept experiments at 4.2 K in liquid helium showed that this circuit could increase the density of microwave signals per cable by approximately 1,000 times.

This breakthrough could dramatically enhance the scalability of quantum computers, facilitating control of up to one million qubits. The results will be published in “npj Quantum Information” on June 3, 2024, highlighting the potential of this technology to accelerate advancements in quantum computing. You can access the detailed paper here.

For additional information, you can access a press release the company has provided here.

June 5, 2024

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