Quantum Computing Report

Lastwall Launches Quantum Shield: Industry’s First Mass-Deployable Quantum-Safe TLS Terminator and Load Balancer

Lastwall, a cybersecurity solutions provider, has introduced Quantum Shield, the industry’s first mass-deployable, quantum-safe TLS terminator and load balancer. Quantum Shield aims to protect conventional network infrastructures against Q-Day threats using the latest quantum cryptographic standards. Quantum Shield integrates a NIST pre-approved Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) algorithm into the TLS layer, enhancing network security with crypto-agility to accommodate future NIST standards.

Quantum Shield replaces existing TLS terminators and load balancers with an easy one-click installation, providing immediate quantum resilience. This product has been designed to meet rigorous security, compliance, and efficiency standards, making it a vital tool for protecting critical data and IT infrastructure as quantum computational capabilities advance.

John Chen, CIO of the Defense Innovation Unit at the U.S. Department of Defense, highlighted Lastwall’s evolution to meet dynamic threats, emphasizing the importance of quantum resilience. Carolin Funk, Partner at Blue Bear Capital, praised Lastwall for anticipating stringent security needs ahead of NIST’s forthcoming quantum-resilient algorithm guidelines.

For more about Quantum Shield, you can view a product announcement press release from Lastwall here and also a data sheet for the product here.

June 27, 2024

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