Quantum Computing Report

RIKEN Chooses Quantinuum’s H1 Quantum Computer for a Quantum-HPC Hybrid Platform

RIKEN, one of Japan’s premier research institution, has set its sights on the future of computing with its selection of Quantinuum’s H1 ion-trap quantum computer for its ambitious hybrid quantum-supercomputing platform. The H1 processor is expected to be installed and operational by early 2025. This collaboration, driven by a consortium of leading academic institutions and supported by Japan’s national research agency, promises to accelerate the development of software tools and applications that harness the combined power of classical supercomputers with cutting-edge quantum technology. Alongside RIKEN, prominent institutions including SoftBank, the University of Tokyo, and Osaka University will work to develop the necessary tools and applications to achieve an effective integration between the quantum and classical computers.

The H1 boasts superior performance within the NISQ (noisy intermediate-scale quantum) era. This makes it ideally suited for RIKEN’s ambitious goals, which include demonstrating the practical advantages of hybrid platforms and paving the way for their post-5G deployment as advanced computational services.

RIKEN brings invaluable expertise to the table. Its world-renowned Center for Computational Science, home to the supercomputer Fugaku, possesses extensive experience in developing cutting-edge HPC technologies. This expertise, coupled with Quantinuum’s quantum hardware and software, creates a potent synergy for pushing the boundaries of hybrid computing.

For a deeper dive into the technical details of the H1 system, you can access Quantinuum’s dedicated webpage here. Additionally, a video benchmarking the H1’s capabilities is available on Vimeo here. A press release from Quantinuum announcing the selection by Riken can be seen here.

January 9, 2024

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