Quantum Computing Report

UK Conducts Successful Flight Trials of Un-Jammable Quantum Navigation Systems

In a pioneering venture, the UK has conducted successful commercial flight trials of advanced quantum-based navigation systems resistant to jamming and spoofing by hostile actors. Led by quantum technology firm Infleqtion in collaboration with aerospace giants BAE Systems and QinetiQ, the trials showcased groundbreaking technologies including the Tiqker optical atomic clock and ultra-cold-atom-based quantum systems. These innovations, tested aboard QinetiQ’s RJ100 Airborne Technology Demonstrator, represent a significant leap in Quantum Inertial Navigation System (Q-INS) development.

Funded by the UK government with nearly £8 million ($10 million USD), this initiative aligns with the National Quantum Strategy’s vision to bolster the UK’s quantum-enabled economy. Such quantum navigation systems offer heightened accuracy and resilience, potentially reducing dependence on traditional satellite navigation like GPS. The successful flight trials mark a milestone towards deploying quantum navigation systems on aircraft by 2030, enhancing navigation security and reliability.

A press release announcing the completion of the final test flight of these trials can be viewed on the Infleqtion website here.

May 15, 2024

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