BQP has reported progress in using quantum computers to perform large-scale Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. Their research suggests that a jet engine simulation, which currently requires 19.2 million HPC cores, could be completed using just 30 logical qubits. The study, conducted using a hybrid quantum-classical solver on their BQPhy® platform, demonstrated accuracy and scalability comparable to classical computing methods.

While BQP’s work highlights the potential of quantum computing to improve simulation efficiency, the claims hinge on the development of utility-scale quantum computers, which are not yet available. The research signals long-term potential, but practical implementation remains dependent on advances in quantum hardware.

BQP believes their quantum solver could eventually transform industries like aerospace, allowing for more precise simulations and possibly reducing computational costs. However, broader industry adoption will depend on future progress in quantum technologies and continued research.

For additional information, you can access the press release provided here.

September 16, 2024