IQM Quantum Computers has secured a 5 million ($5.6M USD) contract to deliver the Czech Republic’s first quantum computer to the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre in Ostrava. The system, a 24-qubit “Radiance Star” quantum computer based on IQM’s proprietary star topology, will be integrated into the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking’s high-performance computing (HPC) initiative and will be integrated with the Karolina supercomputer. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in advancing quantum technology in Central Europe. The installation of the system will start in 2025. 

The system runs on IQM’s next-generation superconducting chip, utilizing a proprietary star topology QPU. This architecture, where 24 qubits connect to a central resonator, enhances quantum error correction and supports complex algorithms, improving computational efficiency and scalability. The technology allows better utilization of quantum entanglement while minimizing error rates, making it ideal for applications such as artificial intelligence and system simulations.

The quantum computer is being deployed as part of the nine-nation LUMI-Q consortium, funded by EuroHPC JU, which aims to advance quantum computing in Europe. The EuroHPC JU budget for 2021–2027 includes €7 billion (7.795 billion USD) for quantum computing projects, addressing the growing demand from research institutions and industry for advanced quantum resources. Half of the 5 million cost of the system is being funded by the EuroHPC JU and the other half is being funded by the LUMI-Q consortium.

IQM Co-CEOs Mikko Välimäki and Dr. Jan Goetz highlighted the significance of this delivery as a milestone for quantum technology in Europe, emphasizing the strategic role it plays in strengthening Europe’s leadership in quantum error correction and high-performance computing integration.

For further details, visit EuroHPC and IT4Innovations’ official announcements here and here respectively. The original press release from IQM can be accessed here.

September 27, 2024