Q-CTRL’s native performance management delivers more value for users with fully integrated performance management for quantum computing platforms.

Q-CTRL has announced the integration of its performance-management software, Fire Opal, with four leading quantum computing platforms: Rigetti, Oxford Quantum Circuits (OQC), Diraq, and IBM Quantum. This expansion showcases Q-CTRL’s ability to improve quantum computing performance across diverse hardware systems, reinforcing its leadership in quantum infrastructure software.

Fire Opal reduces quantum computing errors, a major challenge in the field, and boosts performance without user intervention. It has shown massive improvements in essential algorithms like the Quantum Fourier Transform, Grover’s Search, and the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm. Recently, on IBM quantum computers, Fire Opal helped users set new records in Quantum Machine Learning and Quantum Phase Estimation for quantum chemistry.

Each hardware partner benefits from Fire Opal’s capabilities. For instance, Rigetti’s Ankaa-2 device will achieve enhanced performance, while OQC’s Coaxmon architecture will see improvements in its cloud-based offerings. Diraq, a pioneer in silicon quantum processors, also plans to integrate Fire Opal as it works toward building million-qubit devices. Q-CTRL’s innovations in error correction are set to play a significant role in the future of quantum computing, enabling more reliable and scalable systems for commercial and scientific applications.

A blog from Q-CTRL announcing their work in integrating Fire Opal with systems from these hardware vendors can be accessed here.

September 10, 2024