Universal Quantum has announced a significant advancement in trapped-ion quantum computing by developing the first commercial Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) chip designed for integration into their Quantum Processing Units (iQPUs). This ASIC chip features UQConnect, a link technology that transfers qubits between chip modules at a world record rate of 2400 1/s with 99.999993% fidelity, and UQLogic, a microwave technology for controlling qubits at any scale. The chip aims to solve the ‘wiring problem’ in quantum computing and operates at 70K, enhancing quantum error correction by a factor of six.

Universal Quantum’s modular approach connects multiple iQPUs, each hosting high-quality trapped ion qubits, to scale naturally to millions of qubits. This breakthrough underscores their commitment to scalable engineering solutions essential for achieving a million-qubit quantum computer.

Dr. Mike Newman, Head of Integration and Systems Engineering, noted that their technologies enable the full integration of qubit control systems into the qubit chip architecture, improving noise performance, response times, and power efficiency. Prof. Sebastian Weidt, CEO of Universal Quantum, stressed the importance of scalable engineering solutions from the start to reach the million-qubit scale.

For additional information, you can access the press release the company has provided here.

July 23, 2024