Japan’s second domestically-made superconducting quantum computer

Japanese consortium including RIKEN, AIST, NICT, Osaka University, Fujitsu Limited, and NTT wins Prime Minister’s Award for developing high-performance computing platform with Japan’s second domestically-made 64-qubit superconducting quantum computer. The platform, available on the cloud since October 2023, promotes commercial industrial research and development. Leveraging the technology from the first 64-qubit quantum computer released in March 2023, the group aims to advance quantum computing for various fields. Notably, RIKEN’s superconducting quantum bit chip design shows scalability potential up to the 1,000-qubit level. The platform, recognized at the 53rd Japan Industrial Technology Awards, signifies a significant step towards industrial quantum computing application. Supported by Japan’s Quantum Leap Flagship Program, this initiative fosters further research and development in quantum applications, accelerating the practical application of quantum computing technologies. A press release announcing this award has been posted on the Fujitsu website here.

March 15, 2024