D-Wave Quantum Inc., a leading provider of quantum computing systems, software, and services, has joined the Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE) as a corporate partner. This collaboration aims to advance quantum education and industry adoption efforts. D-Wave, which serves various industries by solving complex computational problems in optimization, research, and artificial intelligence, plans to engage with the CQE community on materials science research, quantum education, and practical optimization use cases for manufacturing and logistics.

David Awschalom, a professor at the University of Chicago and director of the CQE, emphasized the potential of quantum computing to address significant societal challenges and the importance of accelerating industry adoption and education programs. D-Wave, founded in 1999, is developing superconducting quantum computers, including annealing systems with over 5,000 qubits and gate-based systems. The company offers cloud access to its annealing quantum computing systems and provides open-source software and support services across various sectors.

Dr. Alan Baratz, CEO of D-Wave, highlighted the alignment of D-Wave’s efforts with the CQE’s mission to foster a Midwest-based quantum community, advance quantum science, train the future quantum workforce, and drive the quantum economy. The CQE, based at the University of Chicago, includes about 50 corporate, international, nonprofit, and regional partners.

D-Wave is also a member of MxD, a Chicago-based digital manufacturing innovation center, and both MxD and the CQE are members of The Bloch Quantum Tech Hub. Governor J.B. Pritzker announced a multi-year plan to support quantum commercialization in the region, with D-Wave’s technology, products, and training expected to play a significant role in these efforts.

A press release from D-Wave announcing their joining the CQE can be accessed here.

September 7, 2024