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So far dougfinke has created 1966 blog entries.

German Ecosystem Part 1: Quantum Processor Development


By Amara Graps Germans are Less Attached to their Quantum Computers “How important is it for you, where the quantum computer was developed?” might invoke forms of pride, if one was attached to the company, to the town, to the university (spin-off), or to the quantum computer’s country.   However, only about a quarter of the German respondents in QuEra’s July 2024 Survey felt that Germany producing its own QPU was important. See Figure 8 of the QuEra  Survey Report: The Current and Future State of Quantum Computing July 2024. Figure. Reproduced from Figure 8 from the QuEra:  Survey Report: The [...]

German Ecosystem Part 1: Quantum Processor Development2024-09-15T21:46:02-07:00

How Confident are the French and Germans in their Country’s Quantum Competitiveness?


By Amara Graps French: Fewer in Surveyed-Number, but More Confident than the Germans “Confident” is how I would describe the French in Figure 5 of QuEra's recent  Survey Report: The Current and Future State of Quantum Computing. The question to the French respondents was How well-positioned is their country in the global quantum computing industry? They were fewer in number in the survey than the Germans by half, yet ~67% considered their country, very well positioned. On the other hand, the German respondents were more in number, but less confident: Only about 44% felt that Germany is very well positioned in [...]

How Confident are the French and Germans in their Country’s Quantum Competitiveness?2024-09-14T15:51:22-07:00

U.S. Department of Energy Announces $65 Million in Potential Awards for Quantum Research Projects


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced a $65 million investment in quantum computing to fund 10 projects with a total of 38 separate awards over a five year period. Quantum computing aims to solve large, complex problems in modern science more quickly and efficiently, surpassing the limits of today’s largest supercomputers. This investment focuses on advancements in software, control systems, and algorithms to demonstrate quantum computing’s utility for scientific research within the DOE’s mission space. This investment aims to develop a software ecosystem ready for modularity, interoperability, specialization, and performance. The titles of the 10 projects include the following: [...]

U.S. Department of Energy Announces $65 Million in Potential Awards for Quantum Research Projects2024-09-12T14:15:24-07:00

European Patents – When Global Becomes Local


By Amara Graps Patents: The Intention Patents are a funny thing. Patents: indicate strong support for an idea, demonstrate the level of innovation, manifest the financial support to gain a technology, give social benefit points (China), and may be the only evidence (21 patents), of a technology that was developed, tested, and announced in hundreds of press releases (Lockheed Martin’s “Dark Ice”), and then went dark.  In Europe, quantum technology patents also represent a bitter reality of 3rd place. The European Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC)’ January 2024 Report: A Portrait of the Global Patent Landscape in Quantum Technologies, concluded that, in [...]

European Patents – When Global Becomes Local2024-09-12T12:16:19-07:00

CQE Study: You Don’t Need a PhD to Work in Quantum


The Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE) has performed a study of over 5,000 quantum job postings that were made on the QED-C and Quantum Computing Report websites in the 2018 to 2023 time frame to ascertain what educational levels the hiring organizations were looking for. Although some my believe that one needs a PhD in order to work in the quantum industry, the CQE study found that this was not the case. By examining the job postings, they determine when a particular job required a PhD, Masters, BS, Associates or other form of education. The CQE study also talked to some hiring [...]

CQE Study: You Don’t Need a PhD to Work in Quantum2024-09-11T16:12:27-07:00

China’s Quantum Technology Strengths – More than Quantum Communication


The world's first integrated quantum communication network (2021, January 6) Figure Credit: University of Science and Technology of China By Amara Graps New trends are appearing in China’s quantum technology strengths. A Decade of Quantum Communication Leadership For a decade, China has been a world leader in Quantum Communication-Networks, with a scorecard of successes, as seen in QCR’s article: Quantum Communication- Large Activity but Small Investments. For example, China operates the world’s largest QKD network, with an original 2000 km, longitudinal backbone, which connects metropolitan QKD networks.  Its QKD networks, additionally, include hundreds of kilometers of transverse backbones, and two satellites, [...]

China’s Quantum Technology Strengths – More than Quantum Communication2024-09-11T16:31:46-07:00

Quantum Communication- Large Activity but Small Investments


by Amara Graps Quantum Network Testbeds Near You “Where are the Quantum Internet pilot projects nearest to my home?” -might have been one of your questions when you read success stories in the Quantum Computing Report last May, such as the  Harvard and AWS' Quantum Network, which utilized a Quantum Memory component,  or the earlier April story about the Quantum Network that ran 15 days uninterrupted under New York streets. A good place to find your answer is inside the list of 44 Quantum Network Testbeds in: QCR’s  Where are the Worldwide Quantum Networking Testbeds? Quantum network and communication developments are [...]

Quantum Communication- Large Activity but Small Investments2024-09-10T13:44:13-07:00

Quantinuum Announces Its Processor Development Roadmap


At the Quantum World Congress event, Quantinuum has unveiled its quantum processor development roadmap, with a goal of providing systems that can provide users with a quantum advantage in the next few years. Their roadmap builds upon the continued progress they have made with the H1 and H2 generations of processors and the roadmap extends for three more generations through 2029. Quantinuum has a demonstrated track record over several years of continuing to increase qubit count and qubit fidelity starting with the original H0 processor introduced in 2019. Going forward, they are building upon the latest results of their 56 qubit [...]

Quantinuum Announces Its Processor Development Roadmap2024-09-10T12:08:43-07:00

Boeing Announces Plans to Demonstrate Entanglement Swapping in Orbit


Rendering of a Q4S Satellite Containing Entanglement Swapping Device. Credit:Boeing One of the key components that will be needed in a future quantum internet is a device that performs a process known as entanglement swapping. This is a device can start with two pairs of entangled photons and swaps the entanglement such that a photon from the first pair becomes entangled with a photon from the second pair. As an example, in the diagram below, the process starts with Photon 1 entangled with Photon 2 and also Photon 3 entangled with Photon 4. By performing a Bell State Measurement between Photons [...]

Boeing Announces Plans to Demonstrate Entanglement Swapping in Orbit2024-09-10T09:44:14-07:00

Microsoft Announces an Advance in Logical Qubits with Quantinuum, a Hybrid End-to-End Chemical Simulation, and a Partnership with Atom Computing


At this week's Quantum World Congress, Microsoft made three announcement on advancements and developments in their quantum program. The first is continued advancement in its error correction research in partnership with Quantinuum. In April, we reported that this team has created a circuit that creates four logical qubits from 30 physical qubits on Quantinuum’s H2 processor. Now they have implemented a [16,4,4] tesseract code that is more efficient an can encode four logical qubits with only 16 physical qubits. They have leveraged this code to demonstrate three different circuits that implement 4 logical qubits on Quantinuum's 20 qubit H1 processor and [...]

Microsoft Announces an Advance in Logical Qubits with Quantinuum, a Hybrid End-to-End Chemical Simulation, and a Partnership with Atom Computing2024-09-10T09:22:37-07:00
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