India’s Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh has announced the selection of eight startups for support under the National Quantum Mission (NQM) and the National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS). These startups represent diverse quantum technology domains and were chosen through a rigorous evaluation process aimed at fostering innovation and advancing India’s quantum ecosystem.
The selected startups include QNu Labs and QPiAI India from Bengaluru, advancing quantum communication and superconducting quantum computing, respectively. Others like Dimira Technologies (IIT Mumbai) focus on indigenous cryogenic cables, while Prenishq Pvt. Ltd. (IIT Delhi) is developing precision diode-laser systems. Innovations in quantum sensing are led by QuPrayog Pvt. Ltd. (optical atomic clocks) and Quanastra Pvt. Ltd. (superconducting detectors). Meanwhile, Pristine Diamonds Pvt. Ltd. (Ahmedabad) and Quan2D Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Bengaluru) are developing materials and detectors for quantum sensing.
Dr. Singh emphasized the transformative potential of quantum technologies in sectors such as secure communication, healthcare diagnostics, energy optimization, and climate modeling. He underscored India’s commitment to becoming a quantum technology leader, driven by supportive policies under Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
This initiative aligns with India’s vision for technological self-reliance by 2047, positioning the nation as a global quantum powerhouse while encouraging broader participation and youth engagement across the country.
For more details, refer to the original press release here.
November 29, 2024