IQM has continued with improvements in their qubit technology and have announced new results in their qubit fidelity and qubit coherence times that are competitive with some of the very best results reported in the industry so far. Specifically, they have reports achieving qubit relaxation times (T1) of 0.964 ± 0.092, T2 echo dephasing times of 1.155 ± 0.188 milliseconds and two-qubit gate fidelities reaching 99.91% ± 0.02. The two-qubit gates were implemented as CZ gates with the measurements verified by randomized benchmarking.

An important aspect of this demonstration was that the chips were fabricated in IQM’s own chip fabrication facility rather than a Tier 1 semiconductor fab. In order to achieve commercial quantum advantage for real world applications, quantum hardware providers need to continue improving not only the qubit counts, but also the qubit fidelities so that the processors can provide accurate results. The next challenge for IQM will be to take the technology lessons learned in this demonstration and implement it on the larger processors they have planned, like a 150 qubit version of their Radiance system planned for 2025.

For additional information about these qubit quality achievements at IQM, you can view a press release posted on their website here.

July 15, 2024