Reticulate Micro, Inc., a commercial and defense technology company, has announced an exclusive partnership with Quantropi, a Canadian cybersecurity company. The collaboration aims to deliver the world’s first post-quantum video encryption solution, addressing the quantum threat to encryption systems. Under the agreement, Quantropi’s QiSpace™ platform will integrate post-quantum cryptographic capabilities into Reticulate’s VAST™ video compression product and VisionOS™ development platform. These technologies enable secure, high-quality video delivery in low-bandwidth environments.

Both firms will market their solutions as an integrated offering to defense and commercial customers. This partnership comes as the U.S. National Security Agency warns of the risks posed by advances in quantum technology, which could potentially undermine existing encryption systems. Reticulate Micro and Quantropi’s collaboration will provide quantum-level security and trust, aiming to mitigate these risks. Quantropi, founded in 2018, offers quantum-secure cryptography to protect data and communications. Reticulate Micro, based in Palm Bay, Florida, specializes in providing trusted and resilient communications across various sectors.

For additional information, you can access the original press release here.

April 11, 2024