ParTec AG, a leader in modular supercomputers, and Quantum Machines, a provider of quantum control solutions, announced plans to intensify their collaboration. They aim to develop products that combine Quantum Machines’s Quantum Orchestration Platform with ParTec’s proprietary IP. By 2024, ParTec will offer a comprehensive qubit-agnostic solution with Quantum Machines’s technology embedded within. This solution will allow customers to acquire various quantum processing unit (QPU) technologies from different manufacturers and integrate them into a uniform system architecture tailored to their specific needs.

Earlier this year, the two companies unveiled QBridge, a foundation for seamlessly integrating high-performance and quantum computers. QBridge provides a secure and efficient environment for large HPC centers, cloud providers, and research groups seeking to integrate quantum computers into their existing infrastructure. Enhanced with ParTec’s ParaStation Modulo software suite, QBridge facilitates modular computing capacity between classical high-performance computing resources and quantum computing resources. QBridge is currently being tested at the Israeli Quantum Computing Centre, with plans for general availability by the end of 2023.

Bernhard Frohwitter, CEO of ParTec AG, stated that ParTec’s expertise in developing modular supercomputers and quantum computers aligns perfectly with Quantum Machines’ technology. This allows for the execution of advanced quantum algorithms on a wide range of quantum computers and their seamless integration into HPCs. The collaboration between ParTec and Quantum Machines signifies a significant step forward in the field of quantum computing.

Additional information is available in a press release posted on the Quantum Machines website here. Also, you can view our previous article about these company’s collaboration on QBridge here and another article describing ParTec’s plan to build a quantum computer production facility in the Munich area here.

November 30, 2023